

Mauntain Bike Sucktion

  • Mauntain Bike Sucktion   от omer 01 Май, 2008 19:27
  • Гы, не только я офигеваю от перлов в "маунтин бред экшн".

    2003 год. http://www.ridemonkey.com/forums/showthread.php?t=69424

    В кратце: на вопрос, какую вилку поставить на велосипед Specialized P3, на котором до этого стояла вилка Marzocchi Shiver SC (ход 120мм) RC (редактор) уверенно пишет: 888! (200 мм хода, на секундочку).

    После чего форумчане делятся воспоминаниями, и по ходу всплывают еще немало абсолютно глупых утверждений.

    Зато Хорст линк считается некачающимся, а DW-Link - слишком сложным...

    Вот еще перл:
    Dear Mr. Cunningham

    I have bought your pubilcation here i Oslo, Norway several times, although it costs about 10$. Now, I'm really curious about one thing

    In your February 2002 issue you test the Turner XCE:

    The byline reads R.Cunningham, and one note on "Descending" is: "The rear wheel tracks the ground, even if the rear tire is skidding, which redefines the concept of late braking into corners".

    Then, comes December 2003 you test the Turner 5-spot:

    This time there is no byline, but the same note on "Descending": "The rear wheel tracks the ground, even if the rear tire is skidding, which redefines the concept of late braking into corners".

    Exactly the same scentence!

    Another recycled phraze is "The [name of bike]'s [deg.] head angle is purposely on the slack side to add stability in technical situations, and to keep the Turner's steering predictable at higher speeds. Both attributes are clearly evident and give the Turner pilot a "bring it on" attitude when rock drops or sketchy chutes loom ahead".

    There are other striking similarities as well.

    In the XCE article, you refer to the Burner, which the XCE succeded (briefly). In the 5-spot article, a similar note on the RFX appears.

    My question?
    1) Who wrote the test of the Turner 5-spot?
    2) Who approved the article?
    3) If a forigner who buys the magazine infrequently can spot the similarities, why could none of the editors?
    4) Why has the XCE test disappeared from the website?
    5) Will you print this letter and a plausible explenation? Will you reply to this e-mail and tell me which issue the reply will be printed in? It's difficult to get hold of the magazine here...


    Arve Søreide
  • Ответ #1   от BarbaCat 01 Май, 2008 19:38
  • Вроде в 2003 888 была 180мм нет?
  • Ответ #2   от omer 01 Май, 2008 21:17
  • были 170 и 200

    да даже если и 170 :) здрастьте, приехали.

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